Pay­ment and Ship­ping

Ship­ping costs and infor­ma­tion

Goods can only be shipped to the coun­tries list­ed as stan­dard. Depend­ing on the size of your order, ship­ping will be car­ried out by DHL or Her­mes. The ship­ping costs incurred can be found in the infor­ma­tion below.

If you would like us to ship to anoth­er coun­try, please send us an email to before plac­ing an order.

Ship­ping with­in Ger­many

We charge a flat rate of €3.95 (incl. VAT) per order for ship­ping with­in the Ger­man main­land. For deliv­er­ies to Ger­man islands, an island sur­charge of €10.00 (incl. VAT) will be charged. From a total order val­ue of € 60.00 we deliv­er free of ship­ping costs.

Ship­ping to oth­er EU coun­tries

We charge a flat rate of € 7.95 (incl. VAT) per order for ship­ping to oth­er EU coun­tries. From a total order val­ue of € 100.00 we deliv­er free of ship­ping costs.

Deliv­ery times

Unless oth­er­wise stat­ed in the respec­tive prod­uct, the goods will be deliv­ered with­in Ger­many with­in up to 10 work­ing days; for deliv­er­ies abroad, an addi­tion­al max­i­mum peri­od of 5 work­ing days must be added to the respec­tive deliv­ery time (if advance pay­ment has been agreed after the time of your pay­ment instruc­tion). Please note that there is no deliv­ery on Sun­days and pub­lic hol­i­days. If you have ordered items with dif­fer­ent deliv­ery times, we will send the goods in a sin­gle con­sign­ment unless we have agreed oth­er­wise with you. In this case, the deliv­ery time is deter­mined by the item with the longest deliv­ery time that you have ordered.

Pay­ment meth­ods

We cur­rent­ly offer the fol­low­ing pay­ment options via the pay­ment ser­vice provider mol­lie:

  • Apple Pay
  • Kred­itkarte
  • Pay­pal

Fur­ther infor­ma­tion on the respec­tive pay­ment meth­ods:

Apple Pay

You can pay with Apple Pay as part of the order process. To do this, you must con­firm the pay­ment via the ‘Apple Pay’ ser­vice on a sup­port­ed Apple end device by fol­low­ing the ver­i­fi­ca­tion steps. Apple Pay uses the pay­ment details you have stored in the Apple Wal­let app for the trans­ac­tion. You can find more infor­ma­tion at

Cred­it card

We accept the fol­low­ing cred­it cards: Visa, Mas­ter­card, Amer­i­can Express.


To process the pay­ment, you will be redi­rect­ed to the Pay­Pal web­site. If you are already a Pay­Pal cus­tomer, you can log in with your Pay­Pal user data and ini­ti­ate the pay­ment. If you do not yet have a Pay­Pal account, you can cre­ate a Pay­Pal account and then con­firm the pay­ment. It is not nec­es­sary to set up a Pay­Pal account for the pay­ment meth­ods direct deb­it via Pay­Pal, cred­it card via Pay­Pal and pur­chase on account via Pay­Pal. You will then be redi­rect­ed back to us.