Seat­post Mount For Bry­ton Gar­dia R300 / R300L Rear Light


Innovative, lightweight and customised mount for the perfect installation of the Bryton Gardia R300 / R300L rear light on seatposts of road bikes, gravel bikes, time trial bikes and triathlon bikes.

Product details

  • Perfect fit
  • Lightweight and stable
  • Easy assembly
  • Fully compatible with Bryton Gardia R300 / R300L

Tip: To find the right mount, it's best to check the manufacturer's description of your seatpost. If you need help, take a look at our FAQ-section.

Delivery time: up to 10 working days*

SKU: WG-1016- Categories: ,


Stan­dard mounts often do not fit your seat­post per­fect­ly. With our spe­cial­ly devel­oped mount, these com­pro­mis­es are a thing of the past. Each mount is indi­vid­u­al­ly adapt­ed to the respec­tive seat­post so that you get a per­fect fit and effort­less instal­la­tion.

Per­fect fit

Our seat­post mount is tai­lored pre­cise­ly to the geom­e­try of your seat­post. No tedious adjust­ment – instead a secure and styl­ish instal­la­tion of your Bry­ton Gar­dia R300 / R300L rear light.

Light­ness and sta­bil­i­ty

Made from high-qual­i­ty plas­tic using a 3D print­ing process, our mount weighs just 35 grams and offers impres­sive sta­bil­i­ty and can with­stand the stress­es and strains of cycling.

Easy mount­ing

The cus­tomized design ensures uncom­pli­cat­ed instal­la­tion. The mount per­fect­ly enclos­es your seat­post and is fixed in place with an M3 cylin­der head bolt – for a reli­able con­nec­tion that accom­pa­nies you on every ride.

Com­pat­i­ble Bry­ton devices

  • Bry­ton Gar­dia R300
  • Bry­ton Gar­dia R300L

Sup­port­ed seat­posts / bike mod­els**

  • BMC Kaius 01
  • BMC Road­ma­chine 01/02 (2017–19)
  • BMC Road­ma­chine 01/02 (2020+)
  • BMC Team­ma­chine SLR01 (2021+)
  • BMC Team­ma­chine R 01
  • BMC Timema­chine 01 ROAD (2019+)
  • BMC URS / URS01
  • CANYON SP0046: e.g. Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (2021–23)
  • CANYON SP0048: e.g. Speed­max CF ab 2021, CFR TT (2022)
  • CANYON SP0049: e.g. Speed­max CF SLX, CFR (2021+)
  • CANYON SP0049 (long ver­sion): This mount is suit­able for users of the stan­dard Canyon bot­tle cage (in com­bi­na­tion with a very low seat height; see also note below).
  • CANYON SP0055: e.g. Ulti­mate CF, CF SLX 2023
  • CANYON SP0064: Ulti­mate CFR 2023
  • CANYON SP0066: Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (2023–24)
  • CANYON SP0072: Grail 2.0 (2023+)
  • CANYON SP0077: Aeroad CF SLX, CFR (2024+)
  • CANYON SP0078: Aeroad CF SLX, CFR (2024+)
  • CANYON SP0079: Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (2023–24)
  • CANYON S31: e.g. Speed­max CF, CF SLX (2018–21), !not for Speed­max CF SLX TT!
  • CERVÉLO SP24: e.g. R5, R5-CX, Caledonia‑5
  • CERVÉLO SP23: P‑Series (2020+)
  • CUBE Aeri­um C:68 SL/SLT
  • CUBE Aeri­um C:68 TT (2020–21)
  • CUBE Aeri­um C:68 TT (2022+, nar­row­er seat­post than before!)
  • CUBE Agree (2022+, Agree C:62® Aero Seat­post)
  • CUBE Liten­ing Air / Aero (2020+, Liten­ing C:68X® Aero Seat­post)
  • DANKWARD Ful­mar LTD
  • FARA F/Road
  • GIANT Defy Advanced Pro 0/1/2 (with Giant Con­tact SLR D‑Fuse Seat­post)
  • GIANT Pro­pel Advanced (Pro) (2019–2022), with­out ISP!, ISP: Frame Inte­grat­ed Seat­post
  • GIANT Pro­pel Advanced SL with ISP-seat­post (2023–24), ISP: Frame Inte­grat­ed Seat­post
  • GIANT Revolt Advanced Pro (with Giant Con­tact SLR D‑Fuse Seat­post)
  • GIANT TCR all mod­els (MY2017-20)
  • GIANT TCR all mod­els (MY2021-24)
  • GIANT Trin­i­ty Advanced (2018–23, rim-brake), Trin­i­ty Advanced Pro 1/2 (2018–23, rim-brake)
  • LIV Avail Advanced Pro 1/2 (with Giant Con­tact SLR D‑Fuse Seat­post)
  • LIV Devote Advanced Pro (with Giant Con­tact SLR D‑Fuse Seat­post)
  • LIV EnviLiv Advanced Pro (2020–22), with­out ISP!, ISP: Frame Inte­grat­ed Seat­post
  • LIV Lang­ma all mod­els (MY2022-24)
  • ROSE Back­road
  • ROSE Back­road FF
  • ROSE Reveal
  • ROSE Xlite
  • SCOTT Addict RC (Syn­cros Dun­can SL D‑Shape)
  • SCOTT Foil RC (Syn­cros Dun­can SL Aero / CFT); CFT: The mount should be installed below the inte­grat­ed cov­er for an opti­mal fit.
  • SCOTT Plas­ma RC TT (Syn­cros Dun­can SL Aero)
  • SCOTT Plas­ma (Syn­cros Dun­can 1.0 TRI)
  • SPECIALIZED 2021 S‑Works Tar­mac Car­bon Seat Post: e.g. Tar­mac SL7 (2021+), Allez Sprint
  • SPECIALIZED S‑Works Tar­mac SL8
  • SPECIALIZED S‑Works Pave Seat Post: e.g. Roubaix (2020+)
  • SPECIALIZED S‑Works Venge (2019 S‑Works Venge Aero Seat­post)
  • TREK Domane Gen 4 (TREK KVF Aero Car­bon Seat­post)
  • TREK Emon­da SL / SLR – HIGH-Ver­sion (Bon­trager Round Seat Mast Cap)
  • TREK Emon­da SL / SLR – LOW-Ver­sion (Mount­ing on the seat tube approx. ø 30.0 mm; at least 20 mm dis­tance below the seat tube clamp)

Are you unsure which is the right seat­post mount for your seat­post? Then take a look at our FAQ sec­tion.

Includ­ed items

  • Seat­post mount (depend­ing on mod­el) for Bry­ton Gar­dia R300 / R300L rear light
  • M3 x 12mm cylin­der head bolt

Please note
Please make sure that there is approx­i­mate­ly 35 mm height avail­able on your seat post for mount­ing the brack­et and that a mount­ed bot­tle cage, for exam­ple, does not pre­vent you from doing so.

Assem­bly instruc­tions
You can down­load our mount­ing instruc­tions here.

Impor­tant note
The prod­uct images are ren­dered prod­uct images. The actu­al prod­uct is man­u­fac­tured using a 3D print­ing process. There may there­fore be devi­a­tions.

** Seat­post
Please note that the year of man­u­fac­ture is only a first indi­ca­tion of the suit­able seat­post mount. At CANYON, for exam­ple, you can ide­al­ly find the right mount by look­ing at the man­u­fac­tur­er’s des­ig­na­tion of your seat­post. If you need help, take a look at our FAQ sec­tion.

Additional information

Weight 0,04 kg
Bike model / Seatpost type

BMC Kaius 01, BMC Roadmachine 01/02 (2017-19), BMC Roadmachine 01/02 (2020+), BMC Teammachine R01, BMC Teammachine SLR01 / SLR (2021+), BMC Timemachine 01 ROAD (2019+), BMC URS & URS01, CANYON Aeroad CF SLX, CFR (SP0077/78, 2024+), CANYON Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (SP0046, 2021-23), CANYON Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (SP0066, 2023-24), CANYON Aeroad CF, CF SLX, CFR (SP0079, 2023-24), CANYON Grail 2.0 (SP0072, 2023+), CANYON Speedmax (S31, 2018-21), CANYON Speedmax CF (SP0048, 2021+), CANYON Speedmax CF SLX, CFR (SP0049, 2021+), CANYON Speedmax CF SLX, CFR (SP0049, 2021+) – LANGE VERSION, CANYON Ultimate CF, CF SLX (SP0055), CANYON Ultimate CFR (SP0064), CERVÉLO Caledonia-5 (SP24), CERVÉLO P-Series (SP23, 2020+), CERVÉLO R5 (SP24, 2018+), CERVÉLO R5-CX (SP24, 2018+), CUBE Aerium C:68 SL/SLT, CUBE Aerium C:68 TT (2020-21), CUBE Aerium C:68 TT (2022+), CUBE Agree (2022+), CUBE Litening Air / Aero (2020+), DANKWARD Fulmar LTD, FARA F/Road, GIANT Defy Advanced Pro, GIANT Propel Advanced (Pro) (2019-22, not ISP), GIANT Propel Advanced SL with ISP (2023-24), GIANT Revolt Advanced Pro, GIANT TCR (MY 2017-20), GIANT TCR (MY 2021-24), GIANT Trinity Advanced (2018-23), GIANT Trinity Advanced Pro 1/2 (2018-23), LIV Avail Advanced Pro 1/2, LIV Devote Advanced Pro, LIV EnviLiv Advanced Pro (2020-22, not ISP), LIV Langma (MY 2022-24), ROSE Backroad, ROSE Backroad FF, ROSE Reveal, ROSE Xlite, SCOTT Addict RC, SCOTT Foil RC, SCOTT Plasma 6, SCOTT Plasma RC TT, Specialized Allez Sprint, SPECIALIZED Roubaix (2020+), SPECIALIZED S-Works Venge, SPECIALIZED Tarmac SL7, SPECIALIZED Tarmac SL8, TREK Domane Gen 4, TREK Emonda SL / SLR – HIGH-Version, TREK Emonda SL / SLR – LOW-Version


Metal, PLA, Plastic




depending on the seatpost model


ca. 40 mm

Height (Mount)

ca. 40 mm

Height (Seatpost outline)

15 mm

Produced in


Product safety

Manufacturer information

Sebastian Zwicker
watts and grams
Gutenbergstrasse 42
24118 Kiel

+49 162 8207677‬

Safety instructions

WARNING! CHOKING HAZARD. Small parts. Not for children under 3 years!